Sunday, 23 September 2012
Flash Player For Android (view mobile)
Fastest, easiest & most reliable free video downloader. Highest sound quality available with FLV, SWF and HD formats! Single click, non-intrusive, direct download button!
Create Flash Screensaver
Flash Player Pro is a powerful Flash screensaver creator that turns your Adobe Flash files (SWF) into professional screensavers in no time. Output screensaver files work with all Windows versions.
Play FLV and SWF Videos
Looking for an easy way to play FLV (Flash Video) files downloaded from video sites? Get the Flash Player Pro. It’s easy to use, and you can view videos at 1x, 2x or even full screen.
Create Flash Videos
Flash Player Pro has a simple, accessible and very easy-to-use feature that allows you to convert your Flash movies into executables. You can also convert files into FLV and SWF.Click Here!
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
3 Biggest ways to make money with your blogs
The key to success with blogging is to update
your blog as much as you can. Do an update at least 4 times a week and
you are not going to lose generic search engine traffic. Because thats
the traffic which brings free money and traffic.
1. Three old words – Sell Advertisement space
Of course selling advertisement space is the biggest way to make money with your blogs. As long as you have enough traffic on your blog, you have the gold chain. If you are starting a blog then choose the topic you can write most because people will stay on your blog as long as they have good information on your blog. Otherwise they will just read and go away forever. You can sell advertisement space on your blogs easily as much as from $50 to $200 per 125×125 banner. But this really need good and targeted traffic. To obtain traffic, you might need to read SEO Tips section to learn how to optimize your website search engine friendly and the best way to get backlinks to your blog.
2. Write reviews for other blogs
This is another good way to earn with blogging. You can go to some best review sites like sponsoredreviews, payperreview, reviewme etc. Then sign up as blogger and start writing reviews or posts on a topic of advertiser’s choice and give them two or three link backs. This way you get two things. One is the few dollars for writing reviews for advertisers and second is the update of your blog. Yeah , your blog is always up to date to get more traffic from Google and other search engines.
3. Write reviews for affiliate Products
Another way to earn with blogging is to start writing your own reviews or posts on different affiliate products. In an action (e.g sale or lead) you can get a good amount of commission from your affiliate advertiser. You can sign up for commission junction, neverblueads or some other good affiliate networks and find the product you can write on, and promote. A good and helpful review always returns something. People make plenty of money by running web hosting blogs, health & fitness blogs etc.
1. Three old words – Sell Advertisement space
Of course selling advertisement space is the biggest way to make money with your blogs. As long as you have enough traffic on your blog, you have the gold chain. If you are starting a blog then choose the topic you can write most because people will stay on your blog as long as they have good information on your blog. Otherwise they will just read and go away forever. You can sell advertisement space on your blogs easily as much as from $50 to $200 per 125×125 banner. But this really need good and targeted traffic. To obtain traffic, you might need to read SEO Tips section to learn how to optimize your website search engine friendly and the best way to get backlinks to your blog.
2. Write reviews for other blogs
This is another good way to earn with blogging. You can go to some best review sites like sponsoredreviews, payperreview, reviewme etc. Then sign up as blogger and start writing reviews or posts on a topic of advertiser’s choice and give them two or three link backs. This way you get two things. One is the few dollars for writing reviews for advertisers and second is the update of your blog. Yeah , your blog is always up to date to get more traffic from Google and other search engines.
3. Write reviews for affiliate Products
Another way to earn with blogging is to start writing your own reviews or posts on different affiliate products. In an action (e.g sale or lead) you can get a good amount of commission from your affiliate advertiser. You can sign up for commission junction, neverblueads or some other good affiliate networks and find the product you can write on, and promote. A good and helpful review always returns something. People make plenty of money by running web hosting blogs, health & fitness blogs etc.
Are Paid To Click(PTC) websites a waste of time?
Now its not the thing that if the whole day you sit on clicking on the links which they provide will get you a substantial income. The answer is No. These sites have allotted number of ad links to give out each member on a daily basis. So finally the use is that you cannot earn more than your daily quota which will be still less on an average on $0.10-$0.20. Some websites give less than that too. Now lets talk about the payouts of these websites. Most of these PTC sites have on an avg $5 to $10 payouts. So to get that payout you got to daily do the above process for about 50-75 days to reach your threshold amount. Now the big problem or issue is the legitimacy of these websites. Will they surely pay you? You are not sure. There are various big scams in PTC websites. Most of them do`nt pay. I really do agree that some really pay. One more thought of action to be considered that almost each and every company gives its payment after on an average 45 days later of the last date of month on which your income reached the payout balance. One more little exciting thing is affiliate marketers earn more in this. The PTC websites offer various means of banners for increasing their traffic and members using affiliate marketing. If you refer any new user you get a percentage of his/her share of income. But in those situations people who really know about the affiliate marketing earn more in less time. While regular people who just want to click on the links provided by PTC sites and waiting will surely waste your time as you get paid very less. Instead I would suggest you to start making money from Internet as I told in my previous post.
Also read: 3 Biggest ways to make money with your blogs
So using PTC sites may be a waste of time for just beginners and there is no great future in being consistent in these sites. Only a very few marketers get huge success using Affiliate marketing. If you are new I would suggest you not to use PTC websites as a source of regular income. Instead start your Blog or do any freelancing job online which will earn you more. Stay in touch for my other writings on Freelancing and Blogging tips.
Google Adsense Has lost its charm

Some of the alternative choice for google ads charge only 25% as their commission and rest is given to publishers. This is so good for the publishers that they are rewarded 3/4th of the amount of advertisers pay to the advertising network. These networks are growing enormously and doing good. But as Google Ads have a huge and good number of advertisers who pay a lot for their ads. The publisher is still content with it. Problem will insist when the number of advertisers in Google will be less, which I guess will not be posssible until an unless any search engine gives fight to compete with google. Thats the plus point google ads have. Still I can say that they have lost its charm a bit. Huge ad networks pay with a good CPM rates who have a lot of readers or have got millions of pageviews. Lets see what can Google do to handle this amount of competiotion. Will it reduce its commission rate or do any other measure to improve its domination in internet advertising. Its min payout is also $100 which is too high for the beginner publishers. Competitive min payout can be $50.
Friday, 1 June 2012
Importing From China Ebook
Thinking of starting a small business, renovating, building or operating a large company, Importing from China allows you to leverage your money better, and for some being able to enter into the market place when they wouldn't normally be able to. There are many opportunities to be had with products made in china, Chinese manufacturers can make from buttons to bulldozers, but how do you Import from China and take advantage of this great opportunity?
The China Import Process
The China Import Process was developed by Lindy Chen Author of "Importing From China" and Award winning Business Woman, learn from her experience to achieve the best results for importing from china and dealing with Chinese suppliers. Where To Start, you may currently be in one of two boats:1. You know what you want to import, or
2. You're not sure what to import
If you know what to import - Great! Your next step is to determine the quantity of products you want.
If you don't know what to import, then look for a gap in the market, or extra value you could deliver to differentiate your product or service from the current offerings.
Hint: Identify areas that people are feeling pain.
Different people have success with different products. You need to be able to sell the product out when it arrives, so do some market research first. That is, ask your potential customers what they want and how much they'd be prepared to pay for it.
Then develop a marketing, sales and distribution strategy. E.g. be a wholesaler, have a bricks and mortar retail store, an online store, sell through eBay etc.
China is considered "the world's factory" so there's plenty of products to choose from, for some ideas consider:
- Steel Products
- Housing Products
- Furnishings
- Equipment
- Textiles
- Plastic Products
- Chemicals
- Other non related products

You can get some ideas from the product categories section of our website.
But don't restrict yourself to what you can buy 'off-the-shelf'.
The Chinese are excellent manufacturers, and they'll custom make just about anything to your specifications.
To keep it simple and low risk, stick to only one product category that you can get from a single supplier in China.
Buying different products from more than one supplier and getting them in the same container starts getting a little more complex.
Not impossible, but for newbies, it just increases the risks.
Some ideas for what product to import:
1. Ask your potential customers what they want and what they're prepared to pay for it.
2. See if the manufacturing capability exists in China for your product. Contact us if you get stuck.
3. Develop a marketing, sales and distribution strategy.
The important thing is to get into action, identify your product and have a business plan.
Products To Avoid When Importing China
These items are:
1. High value, requiring a great deal of capital to buy a small amount of stock
2. Constantly go down in price, therefore your stock may be worth less than you bought it for
3. Are quickly superseded
4. Competitive to re-sell
5. Low margin
Also, keep in mind the product must comply with your country's electrical standards.
And if you're after brand name products e.g. Sony, Apple etc, there is a good chance they have existing exclusive distribution agreements in place.
People more suited to importing consumer electrical goods are generally experienced importers who know how to deal with the Chinese, and have good distribution channels for these products in place already.Visit Here
Monday, 28 May 2012
Start A Business In Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Uae
• General statistical information on UAE
• Overview rents Dubai / UAE
• Cost of living
• Things to consider when renting property in the UAE
• How does the Dubai rental market work?
• Banking
• How to get a UAE mobile phone card
• Taxation (UAE is 100% tax free)
How to get a tax residence certificate (to avoid double taxation in home country)
• E-Government
• Language for business
• Working hours
• Climate
• E-Gate Card (fast entry and exit)
• Challenges in finding the right type of set up
• Which is the best set up for my business? Common questions before setting up
• What is a Free Zone?
• What kind of licenses will be issued?
• Stumbling blocks for registration
• What costs are involved in setting up in a Dubai Free Zone?
• Can I buy my own office inside a Dubai Free Zone?
• Which Free Zone?
• Types of Free Zone companies
• Typical benefits of UAE Free Zones
• Factors to be considered when choosing a free zone
• List of Dubai Free Zones
• FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions Why setting up in UAE?
• What challenges to expect and what mistakes to avoid?
• What are costs involved in setting up in UAE?
• When will the company be legally operational?
• What are the challenges in adapting to the local business climate?
• Cost Calculator for Sponsor Set up Dubai (outside free zone) Dubai Economic Department
• General Information on how to set up a business in AD
• New Media Free Zone – twofour54
• Abu Dhabi Airport Free Zone – ADAC
• Saadiyat Free Zone Authority
• Masdar City – Zero Carbon City – Green Technology Project
• List of Abu Dhabi Free Zones
• Important Abu Dhabi Ministries
• Definition Northern Emirates
• E-Office Facility (full business set up)
• Getting a Dubai Business Address with a Northern Emirates License
• Northern Emirates Free Zones offer E-Office Facility
• Setting up an E-Office - Step by Step
• List of Documents for an E-Office Set up
• Procedures for the Investor to get Residence Visa
• Family Visa
• General information on visa rules in UAE
• Abu Dhabi Business Info
• UAE Banks Comprehensive information on UAE / Middle East (Politics, Economy, Sports, Culture, Religion), Expat Living in UAE
• Newspapers, Directories
• Magazine – Entertainment - Tourism
• Dubai Newsletter Providers, Network / Business Groups in UAE
• Exhibitions, UAE Government, Schools, Universities
• Dubai FAQs - comprehensive website of everything you need to know
How To Start A Import/export Car Business
ABSOLUTE FACT: There Has Never Been a
Better Time for You to Get Into the Export Car Business then Right Now.....
Here's why!!
1. The car market in the US is very soft so you can now buy export cars at fantastically low prices. It is a buyers market!
2. The devaluation of the dollar has created "cheap" prices for overseas buyers of export cars. They cannot believe the low prices of US vehicles. They want US export cars!
3. The big demand from overseas buyers are American SUVs and fully loaded pickup trucks which you can now purchase for very low prices because of our economy.
Here's your opportunity
to take advantage of our weak economy!I love cars. Don't you? And I love making money with them. Wouldn't you? I like making my hobby my money maker? Wouldn't you? Then you need to explore exporting cars.
Do you want to see how importing/exporting cars may be the way for you to make $500 to $1,000 a week ....or more?
Read on and I'll show you the inside secrets to profitably exporting/importing cars, trucks, buses and other vehicles.
For three years my customers have been asking for a insider's guide on how to export cars. Now its available! And you can have it in 10 minutes or less!
"The Beginners Guide to Importing/Exporting Automobiles"Visit Here!
Starting An Import Export Business.
If you've ever dreamed of owning your own Import Export Business, and have been looking for a true Insider's shortcut guide that will hold your hand through the process, then you're in for a wild ride here.
Here's what this is all about. My name is Timothy Smith, and I've just created a smoking hot new report that teaches you how to break into this exciting industry. Actually, I should call it a blueprint for success, because if you follow it, you'll skyrocket yourself right past anyone who's thinking of giving this business a shot.
This amazing document will blow your mind as it reveals a step-by-step plan on how to create a fully functional (and money-making) Import Export Business.
Let me asking you something... how long have you wanted to be your own boss? Can you just...
Imagine the freedom and excitement of waking up every day, and discover that you made money... in your sleep!
Imagine going to lunch with your friends (who still work their day jobs) and casually telling them about your success, and inspiring them to go for their own dreams!
Imagine the respect and admiration you'll gain from your peers when you tell them that you don't bother with having a boss anymore (while they are still complaining about theirs)!
Not only is this possible with Import Export... but people just like you are truly striking in rich in this amazing "work from home" industry.
SIDE NOTE: Now you don't have to work from home, but many people do, because they enjoy the flexibility that comes from creating their own schedules, and not wasting their time with rush hour traffic.
Very few careers can offer you the freedom and flexibility that Import Export can. You can take long vacations, and actually get paid for them (while you're out making new contacts for your business). If you want, you can travel the world, and become a powerful International presence, or you can stay at home and do all your business over the phone and on the Internet. And the best part is that there's...
No Experience Necessary Visit Here!
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Affilorama:The #1 Affiliate Marketing Training Portal
It's been a while since my last blog post unfortunately - but never mind, because today I'm back with a bang! In today's Affilorama blog post we are looking at how to find Clickbank products that sell. Clickbank, the web's premier digital product marketplace, is literally teeming with thousands of different products that you can promote as an eager affiliate marketer. Some products are bad, some are average, and a much smaller selection are actually very good.
Picking the right product on Clickbank can mean the difference between making little or no money, or stuffing your bank account full of cash. This is especially true once you start building up bigger traffic or list numbers - a simple change of product to something that converts even 1% better could result in hundreds, if not thousands of extra dollars a month!Click Here!
Friday, 25 May 2012
Profit Bank By Millionaire Society - 70% Front End Commission!
Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and it's potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, and don't apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.
ClickBank is a registered trademark of Keynetics Inc., a Delaware corporation. is not affiliated with Keynetics Inc. in any way, nor does Keynetics Inc. sponsor or approve any product. Keynetics Inc. expresses no opinion as to the correctness of any of the statements made by in the materials on this Web page. Clickbank reserves the right to change their policies and procedures at any time, in any way without notice.
This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google.Click Here!
Friday, 4 May 2012
SEO Software, Site-builder, Hosting & Training! (view mobile)
Website Builder & Hosting
One of the most time consuming, complicated, frustrating things to do when setting up a website... is setting up the website.
We gotcha covered, with the Niche Traffic Builder software your hosting and domain DNS management is included for up to 100 websites.
Using the website editor is easy and makes the process of editing your site design and pages very intuitive and easy to do.
Keyword Research & Market Analysis
Keyword research is a CRITICAL component to the success of your SEO and traffic campaigns.
Our keyword research and analysis tool will help you locate high traffic, low competition keywords... as well as tell you if the exact match domains are available...
AND it will also check the top ranking websites for any keyword and display their SEO quality for a quick but intelligent look at your potential competition.
Domain Names, Research & Registration
Checking to see if domain names are available for your desired keywords has never been easier.
With the NTB keyword research and registration tool, you can quickly search for all available matches for a keyword, and then easily register it right from within the software, and all the technical DNS settings and registrations will be handled for you automatically.Click Here!
Affiliate Blogger Pro
Simply put, affiliate marketing is an arrangement between an online merchant (i.e. Sony) and an affiliate (you), in which the affiliate earns a commission for generating sales, leads and/or clicks for the merchant’s web site.
For example, many credit card companies will pay you between $5 and $20 in commission for each visitor that you send to their site who completes a credit card application, and up to $55 for those whose applications are approved.
Here’s another example.
If you sell this 120MPH Electric Car offered by Hammacher Schlemmer for a cool $108,000.00,, they will pay you a 10% commission… or $10,800.00!
“Fantastic!”, you say.
You’re absolutely right!
How much you earn depends in part on the products you choose to promote, and through the Affiliate Blogger Pro training program you learn exactly how to find the best affiliate programs.
Brand-Name Merchants Want YOU to Promote Their Products!
Eddie Bauer,
Old Navy,
PayLess Shoes,
Barnes & Noble,
Dollar, Rent-a-Car,
Verizon Wireless,
New York Times,
Weight Watchers,
Discover Card
Most serious online businesses have an affiliate program and they all need affiliates!
Here is a small list of some of the BIG brand-name companies that use affiliate programs to promote their products online.
There are also programs like Google Adsense and other contextual advertising networks that you can use to make money online as an affiliate marketer too!
Click Here!
Monday, 30 April 2012
The Adsense Guild
The Adsense Guild provides you with constantly updated Adsense insight. These insights include finding the most profitable niches, discovering the best keywords, among other things.
The Adsense Guild Training
The training section of The Adsense Guild will teach you the platform from which you will build your Adsense marketing business off of. The first section talks about how to find high quality content to put on your site, so that people stay on your site once they land on it. The next section talks about building quality backlinks to your site, so that you rank well enough to get enough traffic to start profiting from Adsense. It will teach you how to get big, authority backlinks that propel your sites to the top of the search engines.
The next part of the training that is included in The Adsense Guild training shows you how to find the perfect niche. This is probably the most important aspect determining how much money a site will make, because picking the right niche makes all the difference. A good niche paired with quality content will keep traffic number high, and grow your Adsense income.Click Here!
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Mobile Marketing + Pay Per Call = Up To $235 Per Sale For You! (view mobile)
Mobile Marketing + Pay Per Call = Up To $235 Per Sale For You! (view mobile)
We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and services and their potential for income. Earning and Income statements made by our company and its customers are estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not applyClick Here!
Money Makers - $5,429,861 Paid To Affiliates!
Attention: Online Income Seeker, Discover The Most Effective Step-By-Step Money Making System In Existence...
"This System Makes Me At Least $171,168.06 Per Month And You
Can Start Using It 15 Minutes From Now"...
"Guaranteed to work even if you're "un-motivated"...
In fact, it's best if you only put in an hour or so per day!"
f you are looking for a system developed by millionaires, that is proven to generate me $171,168.06 per month then this may very well be the most important letter you will ever read!
Because, I'd like to give you full access to the exact tools, tricks and resources I use every single day to make this unbeatable system drop massive cash into my bank account month in and month out.
Let me tell you a story about this club that I've created for you:
My name is Mack Michaels, and let me tell you, I used to work hard. Really hard... like millions of other Americans... while hardly getting by, living paycheck to paycheck.Click Here!
Monday, 23 April 2012
Twitter Marketing (view mobile)
But social marketing hasn't always been easy, has it?
With other sites, you have to consistently stay active, meaning that you have to spend hours upon hours interacting with the community, building your brand and doing all that you can to stand out from the crowded community.
With applications, messages and posts crammed at everyone who enters the community, the chances of your message ever being seen is slim to none.. but with twitter, everything you've ever thought about social marketing is about to change..
"Twitter is the automated secret weapon of successful marketers"..
With twitters simplistic interface, messages are put in front of thousands of prospective leads quickly and easily, without the clutter and nonsense of most other social communities. Within just a few short minutes, you could start building massive lists of targeted subscribers, or flood your websites and blogs with an unstoppable flood of traffic!
Click Here!
Make Money From Youtube!
This is an extremely powerful way to add an extra income into your life. Video sponsoring is a low cost, high return marketing technique which if used RIGHT, wI'll do wonders to your current income. I'm going to tell you what to promote.
I'll tell you what options you have along with what wI'll make you the most money from my experience. What promotion is the most effective? I explain the advantages and disadvantages for promoting Affiliate Products, CPA Offers, A Money Making Blog or Website and an Opt In Page.
I'm going to tell you how to effectively find money making videos.
I cover this in two parts.
Part 1: How to find keywords I'll show you how create a list of related keywords to widen your search. Many people give up finding money making videos because they only target their primary keyword. So I'll be showing you ways to find keywords: most importantly from the Youtube Keyword Technique.
Part 2: Searching for videos
Click Here!
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Apps For Iphone And Ipod Touch
The way Photos app should be.
•Add Photo Albums
•Move Photos and Videos between albums
•Password protect your private Photo Albums
•Copy the Album Folders to your PC via USB
You don't need a separate application to do this. It's the same Photos App that's there on the iPhone or iPod touch, you only have to get it tweaked
Email signatures and read confirmation
Professional looking HTML signature with hyperlinks that gets appended whenever you compose a new email from your iPhone or iPod touch.
You can also choose to receive notifications whenever the recipient reads your mail
Spying an iPhone
Ever wondered what your spouse, children or employee are doing in your absence?
This spying software once installed on an iPhone will work stealthily to monitor each activity and send you real time logs that you can access from any computer
Don’t like us, don’t pay us.
All our users are confident that Unseen AppsTM is the best investment for their iPhone or iPod touch. If you aren't completely satisfied within 60 days, you will receive a full refund of your purchase price. With no risk, what do you have to lose? Get started today.
Click Here!
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
C.l.a.s.s. - Classified Listings Advertising Secret Sources! Free Ads!
In the quest for affiliate income and financial success online, have you been looking for a way to earn money that isn't full of empty promises and hyperbole? Sick of the scammy methods and dubious 'techniques' sold to you by equally scammy "gurus"? Fear no more. This is a method that will guide you to getting the most bang for your buck in online advertising. And by “bang for your buck”, I mean for FREE! Yes, the elusive, magical word of advertising.
Why is free advertising a big deal? Well, simply put, it is the holy grail of marketing. Whether it’s word of mouth or viral advertising, we all wish we could get effective advertising at the lowest cost possible. As it is, we are stuck with other expensive methods of advertising; Pay Per Click (PPC), banner advertising, media buys, etc. Well, the advent of free advertising is never more attractive as it is in this day and ageClick Here!
Top 5 Ranking In Google Guaranteed.
Hello there,
If you are a website owner who wants to get to the top of the search engines then what I am about to offer you may be of interest.
I'm Sean McPheat - author of "How to get a TOP 5 ranking on Google and Yahoo...guaranteed!"
That's me, on the left hand side being interviewed on CNN INTERNATIONAL.
Did you know that 78% of all searches
online are made through GOOGLE and YAHOO?
Did you also know that there are over 200 million searches
made on Google EVERY DAY!
That means that if your web site is not HIGH up in their listings, you are missing out on a stackful of clicks and orders!Click Here!
Search Engines Submitter
Search Engine Submitter is a website submission service created by Jason Taylor. Clients pay a one-time fee to have their website submitted to top search engines and receive other SEO services, depending on the service plan they choose. Our only negative is that they do not currently offer live telephone support. Overall rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars. What Is SEO ?
Price of What Is SEO
Search Engine Submitter is competitively priced and offers three different service plans depending on what you need. Their Silver Plan is great for beginners offers basic search engine submission and SEO services, while their Gold and Platinum Plans are perfect for website owners who are more serious about their traffic and SEO needs.
Ease of Use What Is SEO
It doesn’t get any easier with Search Engine Submitter. Once you sign up all you need to do is give them some basic information (your email address, website URL, etc.) and they’ll take care of all the rest. Search Engine Submitter will handle all of your search engine and directory submissions, as well as all of your SEO needs. All you have to do is watch your traffic start to increase.
What Is SEO ?
Click Here!
Get Cash For Surveys (view mobile)
Hi, I'm Gary Mitchell. This is my story...
Everyday when I wake up I make breakfast for my daughter and drive her to school. I usually work out and run some errands before I head back home to get to "work".
It's hard to even call it "work" though, because all I do is give my opinion on products and web sites and I get paid CASH! Companies need our opinions to make their products better so they can make even more money and will pay very well!
The best part is that ANYONE can take paid surveys. It doesn't matter if you're young or old, man or woman, or what language you speak! You WILL get paid for your opinion!
It's hard to believe how great my life is now because it wasn't always like this...
A few years ago, I was heavily in debt..
What happened after getting fired was years of struggling to take care of my family and lots of nights with no sleep worrying about what I was going to do. I was forced to start using my credit cards and getting loans from family just to put food on the table for my child.
image description
I had credit card bills, student loans... and a young daughter to support!
Life was hard... Raising a young daughter on my own meant I had to be around when she got home from school but having a roof over our heads and being able to buy clothes and feed her was my top priority.Click Here!
Sunday, 15 April 2012
How To Make Money With Facebook
No cost to set up and get started making money with Facebook!!! This eBook is about showing you simple ways and techniques that will enable you to have a successful Facebook and making money from it.
No secret is going to be revealed. No gold pot will fall from the sky like magic. You’ll have to do some work, but if you follow our tips and techniques, you’ll get results.
How much can you earn? No figures can be promised, everything depends on your dedication and work: few dollars a month to several thousands a week!
No special skills are required. Everything is presented in a way that the most average Facebook user can easily set up!
And yes, we're making a lot of money from Facebook. So, how did we do it? That’s what this eBook is about, to present you the very simple ways to transform Facebook in a good income.Click Here!
Money Making Websites!
Do you need a website that's easy to make and design? Just choose a WhoIsdirectory website style and click on whichever section you want to appear or disappear. Just like paint by number, this is click by number.
To get a website built and designed, you can pay anywhere from a few hundred dollars to literally thousands of dollars and this is just the initial cost. To have it updated or to even make the slightest little change can easily cost you $75 to $250, depending on the change you want done to your website.
You can be up and running with a complete website online, ready for the rest of the world to see, for under $75. And remember, this includes your domain name, your website (exactly how you want it), the web hosting for your website, a matching email address and your FREE listing in the directory. So if you're ready to get online and get going, click here on Need a Website.
Need a Website that's going to Make You Money?
Now let's say you sell flowers and your potential customer is looking for flowers. When your potential customer types the word "flowers" in a regular search engine like Google, there are literally millions of search results that come up for your potential customer to choose from. That's great for your potential customer ... but not so great for you. Here are literally millions of your competitors staring your customer right in the face, screaming, "Click on me, click on me!
Get started right now, it’s fast and easy, click right hereClick Here!
Trademiner, Stocks, Futures & Forex
TradeMiner A new software trading tool that helps identifies trading opportunities through the use of Artificial Intelligence and brute force mathematics. What used to take days of time consuming mathematical calculations through an Excel spreadsheet is now done in a matter of seconds. For the past 10 years, TradeMiner has been a proprietary trading tool developed for market analysts, system signal providers, and Stocks, Futures and Forex newsletter authors & magazine publishers. This tool, until now, has only been available to a small select group of industry professionals & traders -- For now, this tool is available to you. The software finds historically accurate trends that have been profitable 80%, 90% or even 100% of the time over the past 5,10,20, or even 30 years. This is all done through a proprietary, artificial intelligent, data cube that allows the computer to calculate and find (mine) millions and millions of trades in seconds.Click Here!
20 Ways To Make Money Online (view mobile
20 Ways To Cash
This mega-huge video course covers a number of businesses you can start from home. Each business model is broken down and explained in an easy-to-follow fashion that will answer all the tough questions from beginning to end.
Not only are the businesses explained, but you are also taken on a tour in the video course to each of the businesses and related sites you will need to be familiar with in order to start your business. This way, you are not only given several options to decide on, but you also know where to go to get started, and what to expect when going through the steps of getting started.Click Here!
Selection Criteria Writer - Government Job Applications Made Easy
Selection Criteria Writer is a government job application software system, the first of it’s type that helps you quickly and easily create:
cover letters (in just minutes)
selection criteria responses
In short it's a type and click software system using tried and tested templates that took months to fine tune. When I first tested it, a response that normally took me 3 hours to complete was done in just 20 minutes!
You see, because of my training and background in government, I know exactly what interview panel members are looking for in selection criteria responses, just as your applications will be noticed using this very system!
Selection Criteria Writer is the result of over fifteen years of hands on government experience resulting in the cream of the cream being used to refine and fine tune a system that works and is creating a lot of excitement. I've designed it to make the job of addressing selection criteria as quick and easy as possible.
So while other job applicants experience writer's block and spend hours and hours writing applications, then waiting and hoping for the ‘can you attend an interview’ phone call, you will save time, stand out, and be recognised by anyone reading your application leaving the others in your dust.
Are you unsure how to address selection criteria and how to structure selection criteria answers? All the help you need is right here!Click Here!
Guide To Getting A Teaching Job
You've finished college. You're done with your student teaching. Maybe you've been subbing, or maybe you're a teacher's aide. Now is the time to get the real, full-time teaching job you've been dreaming of.
The Guide to Getting the Teaching Job of Your Dreams was written by me (a veteran teacher and experienced teacher interviewer), to help you get the teaching job you've been dreaming of. I've worked in two different school districts and have many years of public school teaching experience. I've also been on many interview committees, where I've helped to seek out and hire the most qualified candidates.
Click Here!
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
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