Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Google Adsense Has lost its charm

Last few years google ads totally dominated the internet advertising market. But now the things have been changed. Not only some good advertising companies are making good revenues but also increased their ad sales. Google still has a very good amount of high profile advertisers. But only one thing about Google ads which is some was debatable. I am talking about the Publisher`s share in the amount which the advertiser pays. Google Ads charge 68% as a commission from the advertisers and give the remaining amount to the publishers. I think that this share is very huge and the publisher must be awarded well or at least equally.
 Some of the alternative choice for google ads charge only 25% as their commission and rest is given to publishers. This is so good for the publishers that they are rewarded 3/4th of the amount of advertisers pay to the advertising network. These networks are growing enormously and doing good. But as Google Ads have a huge and good number of advertisers who pay a lot for their ads. The publisher is still content with it. Problem will insist when the number of advertisers in Google will be less, which I guess will not be posssible until an unless any search engine gives fight to compete with google. Thats the plus point google ads have. Still I can say that they have lost its charm a bit. Huge ad networks pay with a good CPM rates who have a lot of readers or have got millions of pageviews. Lets see what can Google do to handle this amount of competiotion. Will it reduce its commission rate or do any other measure to improve its domination in internet advertising. Its min payout is also $100 which is too high for the beginner publishers. Competitive min payout can be $50.

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