Wednesday, 6 June 2012

3 Biggest ways to make money with your blogs

The key to success with blogging is to update your blog as much as you can. Do an update at least 4 times a week and you are not going to lose generic search engine traffic. Because thats the traffic which brings free money and traffic. 
1. Three old words – Sell Advertisement space

Of course selling advertisement space is the biggest way to make money with your blogs. As long as you have enough traffic on your blog, you have the gold chain. If you are starting a blog then choose the topic you can write most because people will stay on your blog as long as they have good information on your blog. Otherwise they will just read and go away forever. You can sell advertisement space on your blogs easily as much as from $50 to $200 per 125×125 banner. But this really need good and targeted traffic. To obtain traffic, you might need to read SEO Tips section to learn how to optimize your website search engine friendly and the best way to get backlinks to your blog.

2. Write reviews for other blogs

This is another good way to earn with blogging. You can go to some best review sites like sponsoredreviews, payperreview, reviewme etc. Then sign up as blogger and start writing reviews or posts on a topic of advertiser’s choice and give them two or three link backs. This way you get two things. One is the few dollars for writing reviews for advertisers and second is the update of your blog. Yeah , your blog is always up to date to get more traffic from Google and other search engines.

3. Write reviews for affiliate Products

Another way to earn with blogging is to start writing your own reviews or posts on different affiliate products. In an action (e.g sale or lead) you can get a good amount of commission from your affiliate advertiser. You can sign up for commission junction, neverblueads or some other good affiliate networks and find the product you can write on, and promote. A good and helpful review always returns something. People make plenty of money by running web hosting blogs, health & fitness blogs etc.

Are Paid To Click(PTC) websites a waste of time?

tell you how Paid to Click worksThere are various paid to click websites. Please note that there are some exceptions where using these websites are really beneficial. This post is in general about all the other PTC websites. The Paid to Click is a scheme in which you get paid for clicking. Now it sounds really simple in the early stages. But in long run you will get bored in this process. Now the task given by normally various PTC companies is to click on the ads and wait for some time allotted on an average 15 sec. After waiting for that much time on that website you get paid with a nominal amount. Please note that the nominal amount mainly varies on an average from $0.001 to $0.010. Very few websites pay more than that.
Now its not the thing that if the whole day you sit on clicking on the links which they provide will get you a substantial income. The answer is No. These sites have allotted number of ad links to give out each member on a daily basis. So finally the use is that you cannot earn more than your daily quota which will be still less on an average on $0.10-$0.20. Some websites give less than that too. Now lets talk about the payouts of these websites. Most of these PTC sites have on an avg $5 to $10 payouts. So to get that payout you got to daily do the above process for about 50-75 days to reach your threshold amount. Now the big problem or issue is the legitimacy of these websites. Will they surely pay you? You are not sure. There are various big scams in PTC websites. Most of them do`nt pay. I really do agree that some really pay. One more thought of action to be considered that almost each and every company gives its payment after on an average 45 days later of the last date of month on which your income reached the payout balance. One more little exciting thing is affiliate marketers earn more in this. The PTC websites offer various means of banners for increasing their traffic and members using affiliate marketing. If you refer any new user you get a percentage of his/her share of income. But in those situations people who really know about the affiliate marketing earn more in less time. While regular people who just want to click on the links provided by PTC sites and waiting will surely waste your time as you get paid very less. Instead I would suggest you to start making money from Internet as I told in my previous post.
Also read: 3 Biggest ways to make money with your blogs
So using PTC sites may be a waste of time for just beginners and there is no great future in being consistent in these sites. Only a very few marketers get huge success using Affiliate marketing. If you are new I would suggest you not to use PTC websites as a source of regular income. Instead start your Blog or do any freelancing job online which will earn you more. Stay in touch for my other writings on Freelancing and Blogging tips.

Google Adsense Has lost its charm

Last few years google ads totally dominated the internet advertising market. But now the things have been changed. Not only some good advertising companies are making good revenues but also increased their ad sales. Google still has a very good amount of high profile advertisers. But only one thing about Google ads which is some was debatable. I am talking about the Publisher`s share in the amount which the advertiser pays. Google Ads charge 68% as a commission from the advertisers and give the remaining amount to the publishers. I think that this share is very huge and the publisher must be awarded well or at least equally.
 Some of the alternative choice for google ads charge only 25% as their commission and rest is given to publishers. This is so good for the publishers that they are rewarded 3/4th of the amount of advertisers pay to the advertising network. These networks are growing enormously and doing good. But as Google Ads have a huge and good number of advertisers who pay a lot for their ads. The publisher is still content with it. Problem will insist when the number of advertisers in Google will be less, which I guess will not be posssible until an unless any search engine gives fight to compete with google. Thats the plus point google ads have. Still I can say that they have lost its charm a bit. Huge ad networks pay with a good CPM rates who have a lot of readers or have got millions of pageviews. Lets see what can Google do to handle this amount of competiotion. Will it reduce its commission rate or do any other measure to improve its domination in internet advertising. Its min payout is also $100 which is too high for the beginner publishers. Competitive min payout can be $50.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Importing From China Ebook

Thinking of starting a small business, renovating, building or operating a large company, Importing from China allows you to leverage your money better, and for some being able to enter into the market place when they wouldn't normally be able to. There are many opportunities to be had with products made in china, Chinese manufacturers can make from buttons to bulldozers, but how do you Import from China and take advantage of this great opportunity?

The China Import Process

The China Import Process was developed by Lindy Chen Author of "Importing From China" and Award winning Business Woman, learn from her experience to achieve the best results for importing from china and dealing with Chinese suppliers. Where To Start, you may currently be in one of two boats:

1. You know what you want to import, or
2. You're not sure what to import

If you know what to import - Great! Your next step is to determine the quantity of products you want.

If you don't know what to import, then look for a gap in the market, or extra value you could deliver to differentiate your product or service from the current offerings.

Hint: Identify areas that people are feeling pain.

Different people have success with different products. You need to be able to sell the product out when it arrives, so do some market research first. That is, ask your potential customers what they want and how much they'd be prepared to pay for it.

Then develop a marketing, sales and distribution strategy. E.g. be a wholesaler, have a bricks and mortar retail store, an online store, sell through eBay etc.

China is considered "the world's factory" so there's plenty of products to choose from, for some ideas consider: Example types of Chinese Products
  • Steel Products
  • Housing Products
  • Furnishings
  • Equipment
  • Textiles
  • Plastic Products
  • Chemicals
  • Other non related products
For an expanded list click here.

You can get some ideas from the product categories section of our website.

But don't restrict yourself to what you can buy 'off-the-shelf'.

The Chinese are excellent manufacturers, and they'll custom make just about anything to your specifications.

To keep it simple and low risk, stick to only one product category that you can get from a single supplier in China.

Buying different products from more than one supplier and getting them in the same container starts getting a little more complex.

Not impossible, but for newbies, it just increases the risks.

Some ideas for what product to import:
1. Ask your potential customers what they want and what they're prepared to pay for it.
2. See if the manufacturing capability exists in China for your product. Contact us if you get stuck.
3. Develop a marketing, sales and distribution strategy.

The important thing is to get into action, identify your product and have a business plan.

Products To Avoid When Importing China

These items are:
1. High value, requiring a great deal of capital to buy a small amount of stock
2. Constantly go down in price, therefore your stock may be worth less than you bought it for
3. Are quickly superseded
4. Competitive to re-sell
5. Low margin

Also, keep in mind the product must comply with your country's electrical standards.

And if you're after brand name products e.g. Sony, Apple etc, there is a good chance they have existing exclusive distribution agreements in place.

People more suited to importing consumer electrical goods are generally experienced importers who know how to deal with the Chinese, and have good distribution channels for these products in place already.Visit Here